Comments. placement: 'Mid Article Thumbnails', This looked unmistakably artificial, and it shouldnt be there. Capt. target_type: 'mix' Mission Control: Have you picked up anything?. No cause of his death has been disclosed. Would love your thoughts, please comment. (John Lear). Ex-CIA Pilot John Lear Said There Are Civilizations, Huge Cities, And Bases On Moon, Mysterious 2000-Year-Old Green Serpentine Mask Found Inside Ancient Pyramid, Man Who Ran Area 51 Claimed They Had Alien Crafts & Non-Human Beings: So Bob Lazar Is telling Truth. )that chased US bombers and disabled their electronicsduring the war. He was the son of the inventor of the Lear Jet (a type of engine), and flew more than 150 test planes. Moon. -@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--. Although this may not be true, those who have looked into it know that strange anomalies have surrounded the Moon for decades. One quote in the piece did strike me, "John Judge has referred to UFOs as "Unrecognized Fascist Observatories" John Judge is a researcher I trust deeply and his take on UFOs comes close to my inifomation..basicly that they are not extra-terrestial, but stealth spy craft, hidden under the rubric of extraterrestial when they crash or are noticed. Most striking of all however is Lears assertion that Earth is actually a planetary prison and functions as a correctional facility where prisoners are to reach a higher level of consciousness. In one of his interviews, John made a sensational announcement that Earth is a space prison and unlocked several moon mysteries. Admiral Byrd was hounded by fast flying discs and disabledreconnaissance planes during his military mission to the Antarctic in 1946, looking forthe secret Nazi submarine base at New Schwabenland, an area marked off by theNazis in 1936 inside Queen Maude's Land. The one coin to own them all! . -The population of Mars is around 600 million and they are exactly like us. In 1970, two well-respected members of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, Michael Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, hypothesized that the Moon is a spaceship created by unknown beings. I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that weve been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real.. distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C 107. : New Footage Of Alien Walking Inside UFO (Video), The Idiocy, Fabrications and Lies of Ancient Aliens, Scientists Say There May Be Humans All Over the Universe. As for the fate of psychics, Mark Stevenson died of illness in 2009. John Lear was a spinner of nightmarish conspiracy theories concerning UFOs. He earned the most distinctions awarded by the Federal Aviation Administration: airplane transport rating, flight instructor, ground instructor, flight navigator, engineer, aircraft dispatcher, airframe powerplant mechanic, parachute rigger, and tower operator. It means someone else is up there.. Required fields are marked *. He also believes that the moon contains a breathable atmosphere, as evidenced by photos showing smoke or vapor coming from the surface. (Video), NSOs: Alien Bases Under Our Oceans? YouTube conspiracy theorists argued that Planet Nibiru has now appeared in the skies and is now on a collision course towards the earth. I suspect there's a lot more to Mr. Lear than he is being credit for here. Who or what organizations actually footed the bill for Sealaunch, and to lose a 100 million dollar satellite somebody has to have lots of money. The Clementine Mission was a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out if someone was building bases on the moon that we didnt know about. Brandenburg has seen photos of the surface of the Moon with a miles wide recto-linear structure. Upon closer examination, we find other suspicious objects (a, b) supporting the story that something more is going on here. to build some spacecraft with extraterrestrial technology. container: 'taboola-right-rail-thumbnails', He also got 18 World Speed Records. Why Ancient Sumerians May Have Built Advanced Spaceports, Launched Spaceships and Traveled 2021 was so weird, that big UFO news totally went over our Prof. Brian Cox Explains Why We Havent Found Aliens Yet And Are we living in an aliens computer game? Inspire employees with compelling live and on-demand video experiences. Copyright 2019 Exopolitics Institute News Service. In the mid-1950s, John's father was involved in antigravity technology programs, still a top-secret technology today. Former aviation pilot John Lear returned for a discussion about photographic evidence for cities and mining operations on the moon ( view material he provided). Little creatures lived there. It means someone else is up there.. shadows very strange. Lear has abundant evidence that these beings visited our planet and continue to do so today and he also said that there are underground cities under the surface of the Moon where gray aliens reside. UFO researcher John Lear goes 'On the Record' on aliens The mining operations may explain the fluctuating gravity field that scientists can't explain. In the UFO world, John Lear is a well-known and divisive figure. (Videos). However he became persona non grata on . As a good pilot, he worked for 28 different aviation companies. As far back as 1970, two well-respected members of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, Michael Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, created a hypothesis suggesting that the Moon is a spaceship created by unknown beings. My research conclusions alsoappear in Judge for Yourself as "UFO's: Unrecognized FascistObservatories". Armstrong and Aldrin: Theyve landed there. In the 6:63 video below, Lear talks about the breakaway civilization on the Moon that was already in existence in the 1950s, and is far more developed today with a quarter of a million people up there living in towns on the Lunar surface and breathing the Moons atmosphere. He told him 3 things: -Weve been going to the moon since 1962. Their settlements are located in South America, Central Asia, Siberia and Africa.. He has flown over 150 aircraft and has earned every certificate granted by the Federal Aviation Administration. Lear had been posting "wild conspiracies about secret government relations with aliens" to Paranet. Originally posted by SkepticOverlord. In 1962 they had vehicles that couldnt go faster than the speed of light, like the ET vehicles, but fast enough to reach the moon in an hour. The original inhabitants of the Moon were ready for this and went down into deep hiding places. Allegedly, those astronauts could breathe rarefied Martian air, so NASA had the opportunity to launch humans on the red planet for a longer time. He made discoveries of top-secret knowledge about extraterrestrial activity in the 1980s and 1990s. I think Robin at Lobster felt similar, although I never got around to asking him outright. He also got 18 World Speed Records. But whoever made those space ships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. ken's discoveries and info. Mercury, Apollo, and the rest of the missions were just decoys to distract the populations attention about what we were really doing. Of all the pictures Ive seen from the moon that show possible structures, the most impressive is a picture of a miles wide recto-linear structure. But these are exactly the technologies that emerged after the US government poured billions or trillions of dollars into all of Teslas research, says Lear. My interests lie in astronomy, space flight, contrail formation, weather, and of course aviation. Scott Jones - psychotronics, Navy Intel, DIA, OWL - Dr Harold Puthoff Parapsychologist, Ex NSA, PENGUIN - John Alexander - Former Army Intel on the board of Psi-tech, The RUSSIAN AREA 51 Have TOP SECRET UFO TECHNOLOGY! Biography: John Lear is a retired airline captain and former CIA pilot, as well as the son of the famous inventor of the Lear Jet. The former CIA pilot, John Lear, gave an interview that has completely surprised the world. According to the former CIA pilot, there are laboratories in these underground cities where genetic experiments are carried out. You may think its quite ludicrous to even contemplate that the Moon could be harbouring as many as 250 million citizens, but its not. This incredible eBook offers every Shakespearean play, poem, apocryphal work and much, much more! In the course of discussion and the search for small oddities, I think something massive may have been overlooked in this . The Above Top Secret Web site is a wholly owned social content community of, FOIA Request Looks Into Biden Administration Using 3rd Party Grants To Push Online Censorship, Jeremy Boreing Launches New Chocolate Company In Response To Hershey's Woke Trans stunt, Ford wants cars to lock out drivers who are late on car payments, Ukraine is running low on ammo. : Intelligent Aliens Are Likely Machines. John Lear also said that NASA astronauts flew to Mars in 1966. He had more FOIA applications on the boil in the US at any one time than anyone I have ever known before or since -- either mind control or UFO's, his earlier subject of interest. breakaway civilization, John Lear, The Moon. However, Lear is known today because, in the early 1980s to the mid . I started my search asa believer in alien spacecraft at age 12 in, library, but was soon disabused of the notion by seeing that thecraft came routinely in and out of military bases. Among them were gray dwarves, pale and thin humanoids, miniature winged creatures five civilizations in all. copyright photos; send your photos; proper investigation; FAIR USE NOTICE: This page contains copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. According to him, Moon has a breathable atmosphere where around 250 million people are living in huge cities and bases. Dan Sheehan of the Christic Institute, among others, has been very emphatic on numerous occasions about Buckley's actual role in Beirut at the time of his capture, and the true reasons for the weapons deals which ensued. Mission Control: Repeat your last information., Armstrong and Aldrin: I say that there were other spaceships. There was a strict selection of five stages. I started my search asa believer in alien spacecraft at age 12 in thePentagon library, but was soon disabused of the notion by seeing that thecraft came routinely in and out of military bases. At the same time, the water penetrated deeply and filled the cavity in the center of the cosmic body. Amelia Leeds was no less aware of the mysterious civilizations of the moon: About 110 thousand years BC, a catastrophe occurred on the moon that destroyed the atmosphere and actually made the surface of the Earths satellite uninhabitable. In an interview with the famous mystery program 'Coast to coast' , John Lear, a retired CIA pilot, revealed such amazing things as having secretly gone to the Moon since 1962, which have been on Mars since 1966 and that NASA uses technology from alien spacecraft crashed on Earth in 1953 (the EBE-3). Armstrong and Aldrin From the moon: Those are giant things. In an interview with the famous mystery program 'Coast to coast' , John Lear, a retired CIA pilot, revealed such amazing things as having secretly gone to the Moon since 1962, which have been on Mars since 1966 and that NASA uses technology from alien spacecraft crashed on Earth in 1953 (the EBE-3). Good says that a former member of MI6 revealed her conversation with Neil Armstrong at a NASA conference, when he confirmed there were other spacecraft on the Moon when Apollo 11 landed in 1969.

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