This is being obliquely overridden by the North American plate coming out of the northeast, which has formed a bend in the subducting plate and in the forearc basin above it. [42] Marine seismic reflection surveys show it striking northwest across the eastern end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Other faults to the south and southeast the Frigid Creek Fault and (to the west) Canyon River Fault suggest an extended zone of faulting at least 45km long. Olympic Peninsula, Washington has had: (M1.5 or greater) 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours. The Olympia structure also known as the Legislature fault[168] is an 80km long gravitational and aeromagnetic anomaly that separates the sedimentary deposits of the Tacoma Basin from the basalt of the Black Hills Uplift (between lines A and B on the map). At the northern end the right-lateral McMurray Fault Zone (MFZ) straddles Lake McMurray, just south of the Devils Mountain Fault, and is suspected of being a major bounding fault. The geology also suggests that the DMF is moving obliquely up a ramp that rises to the east,[35] possibly an ancient coastal shore. This map is useful in showing the location and approximate length of faults but does not provide the impact an earthquake from a fault could have on the area surrounding. On the north is the HelenaHaystack mlange (HH mlange, purple in the diagram at right), on the south the Western and Eastern mlange belts (WEMB, blue). This map of Puget Sound shows the location of the methane plumes (yellow and white circles) detected along the ship's path (purple). It is not notably seismogenic. Extensive research has since shown the Seattle Fault to be part of a regional system of faults . It is not known to be seismic indeed, there is very little seismicity south of the Tacoma Basin as far as Chehalis[169] and not even conclusively established to be a fault. [29] This prospect is especially intriguing as a possible explanation of a cluster of seismic events around 1100 years ago.[30]. In 1870, as construction of the Northern Pacific began, Seattle numbered fewer than 1,200 souls. Please follow the steps below: . Page 2 of 4 / 2012-2013 Type of Earthquake Most earthquake hazards result from ground shaking caused by seismic waves that radiate out from a fault when it ruptures. [181] What is unknown is whether this was due to a great subduction earthquake, to the noted earthquake on the Seattle Fault about that time, or to an earthquake on a local fault (e.g., the Olympia structure); there is some evidence that there were two earthquakes over a short time period. [140] Recent geophysical modeling suggests that the Dewatto lineament is the expression of a blind (concealed), low-angle, east-dipping thrust fault, named the Dewatto fault. [68] Both of these faults (and some others) appear to terminate against the left-lateral Sultan River Fault at the western margin of the NNE-striking Cherry Creek Fault Zone (CCFZ; see next section). The passive roof duplex model of Brocher et al. (2001),[111] relying on seismic tomography data from the "Seismic Hazards Investigation in Puget Sound" (SHIPS) experiment, retains the thrusting slab and master ramp concepts, but interprets the Tacoma fault as a reverse fault (or back thrust) that dips north towards the south dipping Seattle fault (see diagram); as a result the Seattle Uplift is being popped up like a horst. 39 earthquakes in the past 365 days. The uplift and basin pattern is continued to the west and southwest by the Grays Harbor Basin, Willapa Hills Uplift, and Astoria Basin,[25] but it is not known if these are bounded by faults in the same manner as in the Puget Sound region. But the western segment the Devils Mountain Fault has left-lateral movement. . (E.g., the Olympia Fault is aligned with and appears to be the northernmost member of a set of faults between Olympia and Chehalis that may extend to the Columbia River, and there has been a suggestion that the Tacoma Fault may connect with the White RiverNaches River fault on the east side of the Cascades.[24]). Movement on the southern segment of the DDMFZ that converges with the SCF the Darrington Fault was, as on the SCF itself, right-lateral. And like the SCF, strike-slip motion died out between 44 and 41 MA (due to plutonic intrusions). Western Washington lies over the Cascadia subduction zone, where the Juan de Fuca Plate is subducting towards the east (see diagram, right). This interpretation suggests that the Seattle Uplift acts as a rigid block, and possibly explains the kinematic linkage by which large earthquakes may involve ruptures on multiple faults: the Seattle, Dewatto, and Tacoma faults represent the northern, western, and southern faces of a single block. Seismic tomography studies show a change in seismic velocities across the northern end of the SWIF, suggesting that this is also part of the Coast RangeCascade contact. [90], The RMFZ continues NNW past Fall City and Carnation, where strands of the RMFZ have been mapped making a gentle turn of 15 to 20 west to meet the Southern Whidbey Island Fault zone (SWIF, discussed above); the RMFZ is therefore considered to be an extension of the SWIF. Harold Tobin, a researcher at the University of Washington and director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, says the fault line that caused this disaster is similar to the faults under Puget Sound. [67] However, subsequent mapping shows that the Woods Creek Fault (WCF), a four-mile wide strip of oblique-slip and strike-slip faults just to the west and passing directly under Sultan, appears to be the more significant fault, and better aligned with Mount Vernon. The Seattle Fault, a zone of east-west thrust faults under the Puget Sound and Seattle, last ruptured in a magnitude-7.0 to -7.5 earthquake about 1,100 years ago. Although the largely unstudied White River Fault (WRF) appears to lie just outside the Puget Lowland, it may actually connect under the Muckleshoot Basin to the East Passage Zone and the Tacoma Fault (map). If the pattern is continued to the southwest, along cross-section A-A' in Pratt's figure 11 (and missing the mapped trace of the Doty Fault), then the next basin is at Grays Harbor (not shown here). The ultimate driver of the stresses that cause earthquakes are the motions of the tectonic plates: material from the Earth's mantle rises at spreading centers, and moves out as plates of oceanic crust which eventually are subducted under the more buoyant plates of continental crust. Yet the former is only the first of at least six more parallel southeast striking faults, which do cross the Salzer Creek Fault. But their significance to the Puget Sound area is unknown. [203] This line is the southernmost of a band of NE trending faults and topographical lineaments that extend from the Oregon coast into the North Cascades. It may also be the original location of the DarringtonDevils Mountain Fault (the dashed line "X" at the top of the following map). Doubts on the connectivity of these faults led to abandonment of this name in 1986[65] when Cheney mapped the Mount Vernon fault (MVF) from near Sultan northwest past Lummi Island (west side of Bellingham Bay, visible at the top of the map), crossing the Devils Mountain Fault (DMF, part of the DarringtonDevils Mountain Fault Zone) near Mount Vernon. [32] And it is suggested that the Great Seattle Quake of approximately 1,100 years ago, and other coseismic events in southern Puget Sound around that time, were a single event that affected this entire block, with a magnitude of around 8, possibly triggered by an earthquake deeper in the crust.[33]. At Darrington it is seen to connect with the Darrington Fault, which runs nearly south 110km to converge with the Straight Creek Fault (SCF), and then to turn near Easton to align with the OlympicWallowa Lineament; together these are known as the DarringtonDevils Mountain Fault Zone (DDMFZ). [113], Determination of the western terminus of the Seattle Fault has been problematic, and has implications for the entire west side of the Puget Lowland. [209] Between the Cherry Creek and parallel Tokul Creek faults is a contact between formations of the Western Melange Belt. [173] One reason for caution is that a detailed gravity survey was unable to resolve whether the Olympia structure is, or is not, a fault. South of Monroe the folds of the Rogers Belt are obscured by subsequent volcanic formations, but other faults parallel to the RMFZ (e.g., the Snoqualmie Valley and Johnson's Swamp fault zones) extend the general trend of NNW faulting as far as Monroe. Relatively shallow crustal earthquakes, generally less than 25km (16 miles) deep, caused by stresses and faulting in the near-surface crustal structures. They run . The structure of the Seattle Fault zone still have great uncertainty and there exist a number of interpretations. In particular, to the southeast of Mount St. Helens and Mount Rainier they reflect a regional pattern of NNW oriented faulting, including the Entiat Fault in the North Cascades and the Portland Hills and related faults around Portland (see QFFDB fault map). Accommodation of strain (displacement) between the Seattle Fault and the Saddle Mountain deformation zone is likely distributed across the more pliable sediments of the Dewatto Basin; this, and the greater depth to the Crescent Formation, may account for the subdued expression of the Seattle Fault west of Green Mountain. Large plumes of methane bubbles have been discovered throughout the waters of Puget Sound prompting questions about the Puget Sound food web, studies of earthquake faults and climate-change research. The Canyon River Fault is believed to have caused a similar-sized earthquake less than 2,000 years ago;[167] this is a particular hazard to the Wynoochee Dam (to the west). This boundary would be the contact where northward movement of the basement rock of the Puget Lowland against the Olympic Peninsula is accommodated; it would be expected to be a significant seismological zone. This is a seemingly accidental alignment of topographic features that runs roughly east-southeast from the north side of the Olympic Peninsula to the Wallowa Mountains in northeastern Oregon. Interpretation of the eastern part of the Tacoma Fault is not entirely settled. Get directions. [104] Although there is no direct evidence for any major north-striking faults under Seattle, this prospect appears to be endorsed by the geological community.[105]. Nurse Information Line at VA Puget Sound health care, 800-329-8387 x4. A single earthquake in Seattle could cause a catastrophic situation for the northwest corner of the state, a new report from Washington's Department of Natural Resources found. There is a general pattern where most of these faults partition a series of basins and uplifts, each about 20km wide. [74], Early Eocene igneous units in the area appear to be part of a 49- to 44- Ma magmatic belt that appeared just after the arrival of Siletzia, and possibly associated with that event. King County Emergency News. King County Emergency Management. [77] From a point just north of Carnation the eastern edge of the CCFZ (here it is about three-quarters of a mile wide) can be traced up Harris Creek, crossing the upper reach of Cherry Creek, eventually reaching the town of Sultan. The energy of the somewhat smaller Benioff earthquakes is likewise diluted over a relatively large area. [91] The relationship between these two fault zones is not entirely clear. (1997) a slab of rock mainly basalts of the Crescent Formation about 20km thick is being pushed up a "master ramp" of deeper material; this forms the Seattle Uplift. Puget Sound Lidar Consortium Finding faults scarp(n). Both of these are dip-slip (vertical) faults; the block between them has been popped up by compressive forces. [2] All this is at risk of earthquakes from three sources:[3]. Harold Tobin, . 206-296-3830. [61], North of Everett is an area of parallel ridges and stream drainages oriented approximately NW-SE, evident even on non-geological maps. OLYMPIA, Wash. - A 9. Review for American Spirit to U.S.A. Gilliancruise. The EPZ is active, being the locale of the 1995 M 5 Point Robinson earthquake.[136]. [183] While the towns of Centralia and Chehalis in rural Lewis County may seem distant (about 25 miles) from Puget Sound, this is still part of the Puget Lowland, and these faults, the local geology, and the underlying tectonic basement seem to be connected with that immediately adjacent to Puget Sound. [45] The Leech River Fault has been identified as the northern edge of the Crescent Formation (aka Metchosin Formation, part of the Siletzia terrane that underlies much of western Washington and Oregon). [118], Studies of the Seattle Fault west of Bremerton have revealed a complexity of geological structure and faulting. Recent EQ List [193] The SHZ and WRZ lie just outside the topographical basin that constitutes the Puget Lowland (see image), do not participate in the uplift and basin pattern, and unlike the rest of the faults in the Puget Lowland (which are reverse or thrust faults reflecting mostly compressive forces) they appear to be strike-slip faults; they reflect a geological context distinctly different from the rest of the Puget Lowland. Energy builds up as elastic strain in rocks. Offsets in the eastwest oriented Monroe Fault (south side of the Skykomish River), earthquake focal mechanisms, and kinematic indications show that the CCFZ is a left-lateral strike-slip fault, possibly with some oblique motion (up on the eastern side). According to the recent seismological studies, the Seattle Fault is believed to be a zone of thrust or reverse faults that strikes through Seattle in the densely populated Puget Lowland of western Washington (Johnson et al., 1999). [198], Does the SHZ extend north? The answer is still unresolved. Next to a 4-6 lines highways with 90db noise and cancerous pollution. Click a second point on the map, this will be the right side of the cross-section. Tacoma's Gain is Seattle's Pain., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, A great subduction earthquake, such as the. [47], To the southeast the SWIF passes through Admiralty Inlet (past Port Townsend) and across the southern part of Whidbey Island, crossing to the mainland between Mukilteo and Edmonds. Here the main strand on the western edge merges with the Sultan River Fault under the Sultan River. The apparent gap north of Riffe Lake is possibly due to obscuration by volcanic deposits of the Northcraft Formation. While there is a bit of uplifted pre-Tertiary rock between the SPF and UPF, this does not truly fit the uplift and basin pattern described above because of the small scale (2km wide rather than around 20), and because the uplift here is entirely like a wedge being popped out between two nearly vertical faults, rather than being forced over a ramp such as is involved with the Seattle and Tacoma faults. This map shows the primary earthquake faults in the Puget Sound and other less prominent faults. Nor does this uplift delineate any significant basin between it and the Devils Mountain Fault. Yet the SHZ and WRZ may be integral to the regional geology of Puget Sound, possibly revealing some deep and significant facets, and may also present significant seismic hazard. This bend has distorted the subducting slab into an arch that has lifted the Olympic Mountains and prevented them from subducting. The worst of the tsunami would hit the Pacific Coast and San Juan Islands area but the interior of Puget Sound between Edmonds, Tacoma, and Hoodsport could see waves 10 feet or higher, the. It aligns with the West Coast fault and Queen Charlotte Fault system of strike-slip fault zones (similar to the San Andreas Fault in California) on the west side of Vancouver Island, but does not itself show any significant or through-going strike-slip movement. These faults are not quite aligned with the Olympia structure, striking N75W (285) rather than N45W (315). Puget Sound Energy transmission line project Energize Eastside. After all, Olympia, which is the closest of the cities to the megathrust fault, is estimated to experience the least severe shaking; at the same time, many cities on the east side of the Puget Sound further away from the fault experience much stronger shaking. [215] These include the: Southern Whidbey Island Fault (SWIF) Seattle Fault Devils Mountain Fault Strawberry Point fault Utsalady Point fault Calawah fault Barnes Creek But today, after 131 years of statehood, residents of this region still don't know if they have a legal right to walk across a privately . These include (from north to south, see map) the: The Puget Sound region (Puget Lowland[1]) of western Washington contains the bulk of the population and economic assets of the state, and carries seven percent of the international trade of the United States. (Their model of the Black Hills Uplift is analogous with their "wedge" model of the Seattle Uplift, discussed above, but in the opposite direction. It is believed capable of generating earthquakes of at least magnitude 7, and there is evidence of such a quake approximately 1,000 years ago, possibly the same earthquake documented on the Seattle Fault 24 miles (38km) to the north. The energy released depends on the length of the fault; the faults here are believed capable of generating earthquakes as great as M 6 or 7. The western flank of the Seattle Uplift forms a strong gravitational, aeromagnetic, and seismic velocity gradient known as the Dewatto lineament. Faults running on the Snohomish County-Skagit County line and between Port Townsend and Whidbey Island point toward Vancouver Island. That wave is quite severe, quite high. And since those models for the Seattle Fault were published, there've actually been many more Puget Sound faults discovered. [57] Mapping of areas further east that might clarify the pattern is not currently planned. West of Puget Sound the tectonic basement of the Coast Range geologic province is the approximately 50 million year (Ma) old marine basalts of the Crescent Formation, part of the Siletzia terrane that underlies western Washington and Oregon. [82] Curiously, the extension of line "B" north of the OWL is approximately the eastern limit of Puget Sound seismicity, the rest of southwestern Washington and the North Cascades being relatively aseismic (see the seismicity map, above). These bends are located where they intercept a "subtle geological structure"[202] of "possible fundamental importance",[203] a NNE striking zone (line "A" on the map) of various faults (including the Tokul Creek Fault NNE of Snoqualmie) and early-Miocene (about 24 Ma) volcanic vents and intrusive bodies (plutons and batholiths) extending from Portland to Glacier Peak;[204] it also marks the change in regional fault orientation noted above. Of great interest here is that both the northern lobe of the SWCC and the Carbon River anticline are aligned towards Tiger Mountain (an uplifted block of the Puget Group of sedimentary and volcanic deposits typical of the Puget Lowland) and the adjacent Raging River anticline (see map). [88] (See the adjacent map. It has been suggested that a corresponding change in the character of the SWIF may reflect a change in the direction of regional crustal strain. According to the Washington state Department of Natural Resources, more than 1,000 earthquakes happen in Washington state each year! In the wedge model of Pratt et al. Conjugate faults are secondary faults that branch off from opposite sides of a strike-slip fault at approximately the same angle. This is supported by geologically recent scarps and other signs of active faulting on the Saddle Mountain faults, and also discovery of a geophysical lineament running through Pleasant Harbor (south of Brinnon) that appears to truncate strands of the Seattle Fault. [71], These faults cut through the Western Mlange Belt (WMB; blue area in map), exposed from North Bend (on Interstate 90) to Mount Vernon. Although the southwest striking Canyon River Fault is not seen to directly connect with the Saddle Mountain faults, they are in general alignment, and both occur in a similar context of Miocene faulting (where Crescent Formation strata has been uplifted by the Olympics) and a linear aeromagnetic anomaly. "[31] More particularly, the concentration of seismicity under Puget Sound south of the Seattle Fault is attributed to uplift of that block, bounded by the Seattle, Tacoma, and Dewatto faults on the north, south, and west (the eastern boundary is not determined), creating the Seattle Uplift. Although Washington State's Puget Sound has been shaken every few decades, damage in the region's largest cities, including Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia, has only ever been modest. PNSN staff will continue to develop this section of the web site but to find more good information now, visit these resources: About 1,100 years ago, a major earthquake rocked Puget Sound, suddenly shooting what is now Restoration Point on Bainbridge Island up about 23 feet while Seattle 's West Point sunk more than. Posted: 12 days ago. One problem with this is that the parts of the SWIF east of Puget Sound do not show the velocity contrasts that would indicate contrasting rock types. [58], Paleoseismological studies of the SWIF are scant. Also, the sedimentary Chuckanut Formation (part of the NWCS, green) north of the DMF correlates to the Suak and Roslyn Formations just north of Manastash Ridge. Saint Helens and Mt. The mapped surface traces are only 5km long, but LIDAR-derived imagery shows longer lineaments, with the traces cutting Holocene alluvial traces. [69] The principal zone of faulting extends from the Woods Creek Fault to the Granite Falls Fault Zone (GFFZ), slightly offset from the WCF and running under the town of Granite Falls. There are some interesting relationships here. It stands out in regard of its eastwest orientation, depth to bedrock, and hazard to an urban population center. The length of the Doty Fault is problematical: the report in 2000 gave it as 65km (40 miles), but without comment or citation. [139] The Dewatto linement extends from the western end of the Tacoma fault (see map immediately above) northward towards Green Mountain at the western end of the Seattle fault. This seems geologically reasonable, as both the SWIF and RMFZ appear to be the contact between Tertiary Crescent Formation basement of Puget Sound on the west and the older Mesozoic (pre-Tertiary) mlange belt basement rocks under the Cascades on the east.[110]. [219] Various other faults in the North Cascades are older (being offset by the Straight Creek Fault) and are unrelated to the faults in Puget Sound. The Seattle Fault is the most studied of the regional faults, which has led to several models of its structure, which may also be relevant to other faults. [73] The presence of detritus from the Idaho Batholith[72] indicates a former location closer to southern Idaho. Rainier is offset because the faults are deep and the conduits do not rise quite vertically.) The Cascadia Fault is 620 miles long off the coast of Washington and British Columbia. There is evidence that the Tacoma Fault connects with the White River River Fault (WRF) via the EPZ and Federal Way, under the Muckleshoot Basin (see map),[137] and thence to the Naches River Fault. If entirely analogous, then "roof duplex" might also apply, and the Olympia Fault would be a reverse fault similar to the Tacoma Fault. (Links with more information on various hazards can be found at Seattle Fault.). A similar line aligns with the termination of the WRZ, SHZ, and Gales Creek Fault Zone (northwest of Portland), with faulting along the upper Nehalem River on the Oregon coast,[211] and a topographical contrast at the coast (between Neahkahnie Mountain and the lower Nehalem River valley) distinct enough to be seen on the seismicity map above (due west of Portland). An earthquake occurs along a south-moving fault. Its capable magnitude is a megathrust quake exceeding 9.0. Active faults and earthquakes in Washington state Seismic Scenario Catalog NEHRP site class and liquefaction susceptibility Seismic design categories Hazardous Minerals Lahar Hazards Landslides and landforms Inactive and abandoned mines Contact Us Susan Schnur Editor-in-Chief 360-701-6122 DNR is led by Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz This fault produced a large earthquake that left a geologic record of surface offsets about 1100 years ago.

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fault lines in puget sound