Set crunch autobuyer to 4.9 seconds. (log10(AD1)/10)^2.2 -> (log10(AD1)/10)^2.4, or AD1^0.009 -> AD1^0.01 if you completed IC2. Hold the 'Shift' key while viewing the Time Studies tab to view the Time Study numbers and path names. Cost: 80 IP. Your IP: This lag effect is reduced by setting a lower frame rate. Second dimensions produce First Dimensions, Third Dimensions produce Second Dimensions, etc. The rewards for finishing the Eternity Challenges will help in how much EP and progress you make. This essentially removes the 750 ms cap as it is lowered immediately after being reached. This achievement switched positions with "Costco sells Dimboosts now!" All Antimatter Dimensions are significantly stronger in the first 60 seconds of Infinities. For EC4, you'll want TD/idle paths, as that's what lets you push the furthest. (This achievement used to be under a different name). 0.00% Ultra Rare - 0.0 EXP. For the 2nd eternity, gain 3 EP (requires e426 IP and Replicated Galaxies), and buy TTs up to e80000 antimatter and e400 Infinity Points. Row 12 achievements in this margin (only some, varying in difficulty): As usual, as you grind, you will eventually be able to do challenges, either for a faster completion or completing it right away when you can unlock it. When you can, respec out of the 21 path, get the Normal Dimension path, and get the study you were saving up for. If you want to keep doing progress, import this build in Time Studies tab: (At this point, you should have a time studies setup like this), 11,21,31,41,51,22,32,42,33,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,161,162,171,181,191,192,193,211,212,213,214,201,72,82,92,102,222,224,225,228,232,234|0. Revisit challenges again. ), Consider getting at least 1e349 IP, which will earn you a second EP when you Eternity. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Have 569 Antimatter Galaxies without having any Replicanti Galaxies in your current Eternity. Also, buy tickspeed upgrades as long as they cost less than all your dimensions. Have either Black Hole interval smaller than its duration, Black Hole Interval < Black Hole Duration. ", as the game is coded in a different language (Java/Kotlin) and access to a console is not possible without developer tools. First dimensions directly produce antimatter, while higher dimensions produce the dimension before them. Get any Antimatter Dimension multiplier over 1e31. Challenge 10 is very slow until you get 2 galaxies. (Mobile) You keep your Replicanti and 1 Replicanti Galaxy on Infinity. Have 12 Normal Challenges completed (mobile) after Big Crunching. However, there is a new way to make progress after 1e1300 EP, requiring that you've completed everything before this point. After this, get "Buy max dimension boost autobuyer mode" for 5 B IP. This achievement switched positions with "8 nobody got time for that" (now 101) in the Reality Update. Steam. Just grind to 20 X+4th dimensions the same way as before, then when you have 20 8th Dimensions, you will not be able to Dimension Shift again (Spoiler Alert: There's never gonna be a 9th dimension). Some are very simple, ensured through progression, and some are significantly trickier, needing a specific strategy to get something. Then, there are 3 repeatable upgrades. Get a total sacrifice multiplier of 1e9000. Replicanti rise exponentially and give a multiplier to Infinity Dimensions. Import "tree" as a study tree. Assuming your state is like the image on the right, you should keep getting repeatable upgrades, and after ~2 days you will finally reach e15 DT and e2350 EP. Googolmeister/Antimatter Dimensions Playthrough, Bubby3/The History of Antimatter Dimensions, FAULSEGODS/But is antimatter good or evil. The displayed name is a Finnish translation, Hevipelle's native language. This achievement takes about 14 hours with a maxed tickspeed autobuyer and no manual work. - Big Crunch for 1e250 IP in 20 seconds or less. This may take some time. Zero Deaths achievement in Antimatter Dimensions. You automatically collect antimatter over time - you can use this antimatter to buy dimensions. Basic Glyph Types are: Power, Infinity, Time, Replication and Dilation. Alternate grinding EP/min and doing long runs for more TTs. With these generated Time Theorems, you will eventually gain access to the Time Studies that unlock TD5-8, which are extremely powerful, and will make your numbers skyrocket. Getting Time Dilation is deemed necessary to continue progress, which without it will cause you to be stuck at around the 1e1300 EP mark. (This replaces "30 Lives" since you can't input the Konami Code on mobile.). Starting with the first dimension, you must progress to other dimensions using antimatter. (log10(AD1)/10)^2.4 -> (log10(AD1)/10)^2.6, or AD1^0.01 -> AD1^0.011 if you completed IC2. 308 Tickspeed upgrades from Time Dimensions. You'll get this automatically once your Replicanti are upgraded enough. Antimatter Dimensions Google Play Achievements Leaderboard Forum 21,646 Achievements Earned 670 Players Tracked 104 Total Achievements 3,142 Obtainable EXP 67,500 Points (XP) 31 100% Club Zero Deaths Get to Infinity without Dimension Boosts or Antimatter Galaxies while in a Normal Challenge. Get e500 IP on this run, then eternity for 4 EP, getting 1 TT for each currency. While doing ECs, you'll sometimes want to do a long run for more TT. All Antimatter Dimensions are 40% stronger, but only in challenges. Challenges 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, and 12 are very easy, Just a bit slower. You can do a really long run overnight if you want. The study is an invisible study to the left of study 11. (Sort of like the "Do you need a guide for this" achievement, but you need to do it with 1 infinitied stat). - Replicantis are a feature unlocked much later. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. (I found ways to beat it in 1e17 EP or less, even without eternity challenge completion: respec studies and turn off all autobuyer, buy single 1st dimensions, crunch (if you can't, buy second and third until you have more than 1.80e308 antimatter, you can only get about 27 IP), then turn on auto crunch and set to 2e308x, buy all studies with TD/idle, then turn on normal dimension 1-8, tickspeed, dimboost, galaxies, infinity dimension 1-8, replicanti change, interval, max galaxies, replicanted galaxies and IP multi, I beat in 2e16 EP without any eternity challenge complete - E308.25), Eternities are the new Infinity (Possible at about 1e18 EP w/ infinity dimensions and active path) - Should eventually be trivial, either you can get them through autobuy, click on big crunch a few times, etc. Without replicanti upgrades, you should have enough time to do this. Now get to 1e83 IP and but everything costing 1e83 IP or less. On mobile, the message is "Tap this to unlock a secret achievement.". Invest these on the left path at the start of the tree (21, 31, 33, 41), and when you have 7 of them in total, including those invested into the 21 path, respec out of the 21 path and switch to the Infinity Dimensions (middle) path in the first 3 way split. Nerfed "Gift From The Gods"'s achievement reward. You should have done this already, but this is the last point in the game where you can minimize challenge times before you eternity. Have all your eternities in the past 10 eternities be at least Infinite times higher than the previous one. Have completed 50 ECs completed after Eternitying. For the tickspeed one, change the Priority of the autobuyers. Set priorities all back to 1 after that. Note: the XeX notation means the first number followed by the second number of zeroes, so for example 2e6 = 2000000, 1.53e4 = 15300, etc. While doing this, you can complete the following achievements (these are just the ones you need something special for): You have now reached the 2nd 3-way split of the time study tree. The popup only appears when offline for over 1000 seconds (16:40) on web. Currently: 1.0x. - Big crunch: Find where your peak IP/min is and big crunch at that many IP. Cost: 1e60 dilated time. - Dimension and Tickspeed cost multipliers will rise faster as you buy more instead of the cost multiplying by a static amount like it does pre-infinity. In addition to having Challenge 9's restriction, when buying dimensions 1-4, everything with costs smaller or equal increases, and when buying dimensions 5-8, everything with costs bigger or equal increases. When you have another 500 TT, switch 222 for 228 then get 234. This will allow you to fully automate IP farming. In this section it is extremely helpful to always use the holding M trick (except in challenge 9), until you can max out your autobuyers. - Error 909: Dimension not found: Some time in this section, just start C11 C2 with autobuyers disabled then buy 1 first dimension. On web, click the "Donate" button at the bottom of the tab. You can also simply set your notation to True Blind and reload the game. Because of that, you will need to dilate time for tachyon particles every now and then. Synergism can go above 100% and Momentum increases 10x faster. This means that you can make things impossible until you reset if Dimension 8's cost gets too high. Reality with one of each basic glyph type. First eternity now takes you to the time dimensions tab. Start Eternities with 5e25 Infinity Points. Your antimatter doesn't reset on Dimension Boosts or Antimatter Galaxies. You can choose whether or not you would like to see spoilers here. Dimension Boosting/shifting for the 5th time also unlocks a new mechanic. 7 is also easy, just RNG dependent and you may have to try multiple times slowish. The chart above is extremely useful but if you want to, feel free to experiment with time study trees yourself without help of the chart. Before performing your first eternity, you should do all of the following: Once you have possibly done all of the above things, you can Eternity. Complete the 8th Antimatter Dimension Autobuyer challenge (C8) in 3 minutes or less. The rest of the achievements will be gotten naturally or I mentioned them. The news ticker you need to click is "Click this to unlock a secret achievement." The Eternity milestones tab shows milestones that unlock more automation and quality of life stuff just by doing more eternities, up to 100 eternities. Use TD+Idle for EP runs. 67,500 Points (XP) 31 100% Club. After you reach around e260 IP, I recommend getting max replicanti galaxies in each infinity, as it will only take about 2 hours assuming you remember to upgrade everything (IP mult, IDs, replicanti upgrades). When time in this Infinity is < 5 sec, ADs are multiplied by. Achievements; Forum; 0 Achievements Earned; 0 Players Tracked; 100 Total Achievements; 0 Obtainable EXP; 0 100% Club; Zero Deaths. All Antimatter Dimensions are 10% stronger. (Get used to it now - you'll have to get more infinities for the challenge later.) - Zero deaths: After unlocking the 2nd infinity dimension this will be easy just turn off your dimension boost autobuyer and don't buy any dimension boosts and enter any challenge. 2 years of updates . Zero Deaths Get to Infinity without Dimension Boosts or Antimatter Galaxies while in a Normal Challenge. Get the 8th Antimatter Dimension multiplier to be highest, 7th Antimatter Dimension multiplier second highest, etc. If anything changes about grinding eternities for EC1 or TS193 (relevant in 1e100 EP section), this will be changed accordingly. Do this throughout most of the next section too. Continue down the time study tree. But, it's not that complicated. As for time studies during this time, get 191, get a few million banked infinities, then get 211, then 212, then 193 (get 1000000 eternities), then 214 then finally 213. Instead, you can Dimension Boost just for the multiplier. Infinity Point mulitplier based on time spent in this Infinity. Complete all the Eternity Challenges 5 times with less than 1 second (game time) in your current Reality. 286,078 is an entirely arbitrary number. Additional 4 multiplier to Infinity Points gained from Big Crunch. (can be done way before 1e50 EP, with 1e300 times big crunch, ID/active path, just do your usual grinding technique, just changed to get fast enough to get under 200 ms eternities, and with a fast update rate in settings). PRO TIP: At certain points in this guide, Time Studies will be referred to by number or by path. This makes it very easy to make the game do what you want, and also very easy to break the game as well if you don't understand what you're doing. Dimension Boosts are 1% more powerful (to Antimatter Dimensions). The importance of grinding eternities will definitely change once Reality comes out. Note: Banked infinities are useful for future completions of this challenge, go grind banked infinities and (not banked) eternities if you haven't, and you don't have to complete EC10 in one fell swoop (You don't have to do all the completions, you can do it later at e200 EP or higher. In the web version prior to the Reality Update, all the challenges were stored in a single variable. The method enabled scientists in . You could do it now, but it will take long). Now you're thinking with dilation! When you don't have much RAM, games tend to lag more. Previous attempts to complete EC7x5 only could reach around 1e3920 IP. It is recommended to do the achievement now as it is harder to do this later (but there are ways to do it in the late game so don't worry too much). Set auto dimboost to 0 and 18 (can be slightly different for you). If you mess up, press the lose a reset button. - You didn't need it anyway: Just get really stacked and all (maybe 2 galaxies or something), and don't get or auto buy any 8th Dimensions. In the web version, the description for the reward is "Reduces starting tick interval by 2%. Spend your first EP on First Time Dimension. You want to do this because challenge 8 runs will be FASTER than normal runs for now. About This Game. Technically does not require being in a challenge on web, but it is impossible to acquire before buying any of the last four Infinity Upgrades (which give you Dimension Boosts while outside challenges). The trick is to do a normal run (possibly without Time Studies 225 and 226), then once you reach an EP plateau, disable auto replicanti galaxies, crunch until you have none left over, and wait a bit until your Galaxies get back up to more than 630. [[/note]], * MemeticMutation: 5 hours until the update, * MemeticMutation: 5 hours until the update [[note]]When someone asks when the next update's going to come out, "5 hours" is the standard response. This will be important for getting to 1e50 EP. You can get the 1e40 EP Time Dimension upgrade that multiplies TDs by TT, and the 1e50 EP Time Dimension upgrade that multiplies TDs by days played (could be powerful depending on the amount of time you spent on the game) later on. - Infinity Upgrades. - Makes galaxies 50% stronger: This upgrade is very good and speeds up the game significantly. Keep doing single RG (replicanti galaxy) runs until you reach e240 IP, as getting all your RGs takes a very, very long time, and you should be able to reach e240 IP with 1 RG per run. You can upgrade these by doing challenges. The achievement's name and image was changed around 2 days after the "This update sucks" update. On mobile, press the "Buy more" button on the "Shop" tab. Reference to Cookie Clicker's Cookie dunker achievement. At exactly 2 hours and around 11 minutes of idling with no dimensions/infinities (usavictor's experience) with this time studies tree layout of 11,21,22,31,32,33,41,42,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,162,171,161,181|0, you will finally get the achievement, at 1e100 IP. Researchers have cooled antimatter to near absolute zero for the first time by capturing it in a magnetic trap and blasting it with concentrated laser light. Extremely small multiplier to Antimatter Dimensions based on time played. OR: To get the achievement, turn off autobuyers, start a new eternity, and enter Automatic Big Crunches challenge. Cost: 1e80 dilated time. Google Play Achievements - Antimatter Dimensions Unlockables for Android Game Video Walkthroughs 3DS Android DS iPhone - iPad PC PS4 PS5 PS Vita Switch Xbox One Xbox Series X All Platforms Android Games Google Play Achievements for Antimatter Dimensions Home / Android / Overview Cheats & Hints Questions Videos Developer: Jakub Kajfosz You can also do this for long TT runs, if you cannot afford study 131/132/133. ** Likewise, [[spoiler:Infinity Challenge 5 when initially unlocked requires good micromanagement. With enough IP multiplier, you can get this achievement. (Since reality made break infinity upgrades cheaper, I was able to get tickspeed cost multiplier increase to 2x and dimension cost multiplier increase to 8x as well as ID1 level 2 before I went for ID3, and as a result it took less than 20 minutes to unlock ID3). Spend them on the left (21) path. Antimatter Dimensions is a game made in Javascript, and none of the code is made to be hard to view or understand (it's open source ).

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