The license would be needed to participate in ranked races, however if you dont have a license, other races would be available to participate in. Noob question though, whats the etiquette around weighing with kit on or off. Whats the cheaters solution? The categories are power to weight divisions. I don't think you can do it from the game itself. It lets Zwift racers and race organisers track results and check out all the details of the races they've participated in, as well as monitoring and analysing their data. Yes, smaller riders have less frontal area, but the difference in CdA isnt that much. But I get beaten by lots of other zwifters, even on flat courses. The categorization system is, like you say, fundamentally flawed. When I go outdoors I go on a trail bike and bring a backpack full of food and drink for a several hours ride. I think the Zwift algorithm is quite relevant because it implies a good workout in any race for any kind of rider (and thats what we are looking for). This site contains affiliate links to Amazon, Wahoo, and other brands. He lives in Northern California with his beautiful wife, two kids and dog. ThatRead more . Why dont you start self-regulating then? This afternoon, Zwift posted a follow-up message on the forum. Some big Zwift races have specific rulesets, etc. Thank you for signing up to The Pick. My HR numbers are almost identical to yours. What if you are super committed and gain the weight in real life just so you can stay in the category , Excellent posts on perhaps the most serious non-hardware problem in Zwift right now. This isnt IRL racing it is e-racing. 2.5w/kg (215Watts) is hard for me to hold for extended periods but I keep trying. Would love your thoughts, please comment. You have lowered your weight and skewed your power graph so it is inaccurate. We would like to thank the community for your passion and feedback. And besides, my main goal on Zwift is to not get dropped in the hills during Team Cryo-Gens more hardcore Saturday rides! 1 - Manually Set Your FTP Let's say you already know your FTP, then you can go into Zwift and manually change it to whatever you'd like. First up, you'll have to head to and log in, then click on Settings > Profile > Connections and choose 'opt-in' under the ZwiftPower logo. I completely missed these as I reinvented the wheel, trying to stir up the hornets nest on the Zwift forums the other day. There is no reason I should be gettingRead more , Sounds like its time to start racing the Bs, @guest_35522! I never reverse weight doped. Next up is the most finicky part of the process finding your Zwift ID in order to connect your accounts. Why try to force IRL parameters that can not be enforced. As an ambitioned A Racer with no smart scale, I stick to the higher end of the spectrum when setting my Zwift weight once a week. Among the communicated changes were plans to hide the visibility of height and weight from ZwiftPower in an effort to encourage individual health and wellness. Heres an idea: Take weigh out of the equation. Updating Your Public Profile Zwift takes your physical measurements into account for things like leaderboards, speed, and your avatar's physical appea. Im about to end up in the same situation (last races at 3.99, 3.98 and 3.99 W/kg) and Im not really worried about being promoted to A. Im assuming you should weigh just before getting on the bike with all kit including shoes and not just before stepping into the post-ride shower (shorn of all kit and approx 1kg of sweat). I started started zwift four months ago as a retirement present to myself. It will not eliminate this behavior but the races will be much more realistic and enjoyable. Everything you need to know about the third-party Zwift results and analysis website. Well, its adding weight to gain an advantage. (and dont do organized rides for fairness) so I dont have resistance changes and sometimes zwift reports extraordinary power readings for a ride. Im quite heavy, at about 85kgs, but also 183cms tall (and 52 years old). Just short of my 68th birthday I still dont see any point in cheating. ZwiftPower - Login Please update your Zwift ID on the connection page to complete registration. There could be Zwift level weight bonuses instead of another pair of socks. ), You say at the do you, it doesnt affect anyone. Secondly, Zwifts statement says they agree there is a need for tools that deliver greater transparency to Zwift racing. Thats good to see, and we completely agree! I am not saying that everyone with a low weight on zwift is cheating, but I am suggesting that there are many who are because zwift favours light riders, and people do like to win. As Ive posted elsewhere, I like having weight available at my fingertips so I can use it to plan the TTT rotation (I like going heavy/light/heavy/light to avoid the big guys pulling away on flats/descents or the little guys pulling away on climbs, plus one category of rider tends to get exhausted on any given route if I plan my pull times incorrectly, so its nice not having 2 people in a row suddenly need to skip a pull). If people want to cheat, they will and can do so in any uncontrolled situation. Youve got people putting out 5+ watts/kilo atRead more . As a 59/60kg rider who always seems to have a higher w/kg than the people I finish around, Ive been curious about adding 50% to both my weight and http://ftp. This is especially true if you are trying to ride with riders you possibly know locally or otherwise. They do? See, I think if a racer doesnt want to cat up in order to keep winning in their current cat, she or he would likely just go the traditional sandbagging route (as others have suggested here). In fact, the only riders at or below my w/kg were minutes off the back. Hide the weight who cares let them upgrade all the way to As where you have strict reporting requirements. Yes, there are plenty of variabies, but power is power. But theres one problem: this puts you into the B category, and you dont want to race the Bs. USA Cycling has categories that are based on experience and performance. It's harder than real racing. I currently use the Garmin Smart Scale so I may invest in the Withings scale. I dont really race so I am OK and any workouts are harder this way. While most Zwifters seemed to understand and even appreciate the intent behind the change, there was concern that removing this information would result in increased height/weight doping. Thats hilarious. Doing this will bring up a box at the bottom of the browser showing a web address something similar to: this is how it is in real life , big ian stannard putting in hard fast miles on the front for (was) team sky , while all the small guys tuck in the peloton getting drafted along saving energy for later on in the race , because they can`t compete on the flat with the big boys . Bob, what on earth is that all about? A good rule we follow is to take our FTP divide it by 3 and then put that in as our weight (in Kilograms). To move up to the next rank, ZwiftPower will take 95 per cent of your 20-minute average w/kg figure from your previous three races. Or are you looking for a participation trophy on every race as well? A great challenge for those looking for those training gains. I understand if someone has a banner day or just bumped up out of upper C to lower B. So its not Zwift putting you at a disadvantage but the situation itself, just as you would be in the real world in that situation. I know Ive done it! Included with this license agreement can be the approval to show height and weight. As we said in the first post, "Assuming race organizers can access the data via ZwiftPower, and the site includes simple tools for spotting potential weight or height dopers (perhaps flagging those who made dramatic changes recently), then hiding weight and height data from the public should work swimmingly." Most of the time, this will be what you use to figure out your race category. I do ZHR Masters on a Tuesday night. This would cover submission and review of a private video showing height and weight which would result in a check mark on ZP showing this rider was height/weight verified. As for the weight, I weight 190lbs, (86Ks) I put in 190lbs. Mike, Great article as ever Eric. How about simply showing a percentage variance. Is it doping though? Have you considered drinking during a race? If I feel happy in my body thats the most important thing for me, and why I rarely weigh myself. If youre a 300-pound dude who wants to go a little faster uphill as a virtual 200 pounder, have at it. That a cat rider may win a d race but on zwiftpower they will be DQd for not riding an A race. I think one of the biggest issues with weight (and height) in Zwift is that you get punished really hard for something you only have limited control over. It all has to do with the way Zwift's racing categories work. See how you can support Zwift Insider! Not sure why its hard for you to believe that there are a lot of riders under 70kgs. Though our intent is to protect potentially vulnerable users by removing labels that can trigger unhealthy behaviour What are they trying to protect? Gain a few (virtual) pounds. If I lose 1 more pound Ill go to 4.0 and its a daunting thing to think of going to As when I am often cruddy in the Bs. I have climbed well and I have suffered on climbs but also sprinted well. For example the threshold for cat B is FTP over 200 watts and over 3.2 w/kg. You weigh 80kg and have an FTP of 248 watts, which works out to 3.1 w/kg. In IRL there is a double draft. Thats a good thing. But many people (including myself) prefer categorized races because we want to have a chance to actually battle it out for a win. are clay hart and sally flynn still married; composite chart 12th house; tupperware party points; st francis of assisi school jobs I was going flat out the whole race, and by no means cruising along watching my watts. Your voice is important to us. On Zwift, weight dopers seek to gain an advantage by entering a lower-than-life weight into their Zwift profile. However, I was able to navigate to the settings page by doing the following. Hes had to up his weight as he is only 35kg ( upped time 45kg) he but puts out 220watt so his ftp is 5.5-6w/kg in a race. My 3 race FTP is at 4.07w/kg (248w @ 61kg), but Im still in Cat B. IRL cycling pros are not exactly heavy weights and lean-ness is highly encouraged. if someone is entering a fake weight on their Zwift profile, the only person they're cheating is themselves, cos they're going to get destroyed out on the roads where it really matters. MyRead more . When a rider can change categories by modifying their virtual body weight, thats an issue. 2 Likes _Jynxy_EVO (:)) October 1, 2021, 1:41pm #8 thxs mike, Check out this FAQ for some of our frequently asked questions: Q:&. Login Required The Zwift Engineering team is focused on improving security for ZwiftPower users. This community-driven site is maintained by Eric Schlange and a team of Zwift enthusiasts. Im using a quarq crank power meter on my rock and roll while I save up for direct drive. If you set your weight high enough that you fail to do well you will drop in the categories. I am 42 years-old with a HRmax of ~169 bpm. If its not done during a competitive Zwift event, I dont see it as a problem. Connecting to ZwiftPower Before you can start using ZwiftPower, you'll need to create an account. This is how racing is supposed to work. Have you ever compared numbers for calories burned, power output and even elevation ridden for a Zwift ride uploaded to Strava? If someone on zwift holds an avg power at a given heart rate, then goes out on the road and holds that same heart rate but cannot sustain even close to that power, I am sorry, but that isnt physiology; that is hardware. I have been cycling since I was a kid and now close to 50. Best Zwift setups: Indoor cycling setups to give you the competitive edge. Look at ZP results. Ugh! Hes not looking for a trophy every race. ur allowed +/- 5% weight for pro zwift races so +/- 0.5 kg is not going to make a difference :p. add weight if u want to stay in D. lower weight if u wanna move to C. up 2 u. If you've already created an accountcheck out the s. I think a once-weekly weigh-in is acceptable. My power is often in the top few. below this level you just have to take people's word for it. It's also possible to filter results and data by categories, such as different age or power ranges. There is no progression from lower to higher categories through placement. But without any hard and fast rules, we cant say anything is illegalat least for certain races. Problem solved! People can be far to either direction im 25 and my max that I have hit is 217. Eric runs Zwift Insider in his spare time when he isn't on the bike or managing various business interests. Why no monitoring on this? Maybe also add weight change limit 2kg per week? It points to the need for a results-based categorization system, which I discussed a month ago in the final post of my race category series. I agree Paul great idea. I disagree with you on this point. would that be cheating then ? It's a real community hub. One question I have struggled to answer though which maybe is not a consideration is that on the flat watts is what is required and I also have to push high wkg to stay with groups. He had fun laughing at fat dad, but I pipped him at the line! As some others already mentioned, the bodyweight tends to oscillate over the week and even the day. Their hr should also correspond, which they often dont. Zwift now allows for hiding Zwift automatically connects If you don't own power meter pedals, Zwift's non-contract pricing for a Zwift cycling membership is $15 . Id never do this as my Zwift Power is an accurate log of weight and power but it does make me wonder how much easier itd be to be bigger. Especially for the C and D groups but even for the Bs albeit to a lesser degree. The six-digit number highlighted in bold will be your Zwift ID. For example, if a rider has an FTP of 210 watts and weighs 75 kilograms, that means the rider's FTP is 2.8 w/kg. I hopeRead more . Hitting G on your keyboard will do it, or swipe up on iPhone or iPad, etc then tap the graph button. was the lowest of top 15 riders. At least I can be best in one thing on zwiftpower. Honest and goal driven. However, insecure Freds jumpingRead more , I am new to Zwift, but I do wonder how it is youll see a bunch of people finish at the front of a D race at 4-5 W/kg. 0.5kg discrepancy either side is actually quite small. Its also why the Zwift Transparency Facebook group was created, where racers post videos of themselves weighing in using a particular protocol which makes it difficult to fake your numbers. I have long ago earned all of the challenges and levels. How big of a problem is reverse weight doping? If it still doesn't work email and they should be able to sort. Terms of Use/DMCA Copyright Policy Introducing a horrible measure that addresses a problem that doesnt exist, and subsequently retracting it following mass protest is not exactly what I would call revolutionary change. This calculates that this heavy rider would take 23:14 to do the distance a justRead more , Everyone has a sweet spot for weight. Ive seen many A Riders with 300 FTP on Zwift who I beat by a HUGE MARGIN at triathlon events, including the cycling portion. Then everyone would know who is legit or at least somewhat legit. LOL. The Tour de Zwift events this year were much moreRead more , Wait. I know a woman who is 5 feet tall and almost 200lb. Heavy riders not only have a huge advantage on down slopes (the steeper the more advantage); they also have an advantage on the flats; its only when it gets to above 5%+ you can start to break a heavier rider. He lives in Northern California with his beautiful wife, two kids and dog. In fact, if in a long ride your weight could change by more than 1kg over the course of that one ride!!! Here it is in its entirety: Last week we outlined a number of planned changes to address harassment and further safeguard the health and wellbeing of the Zwift Community. Frustrating to someone who tries so hard to compete in my weight class to get beat by cheaters. I just we had a better system than category limits, racing license anybody? Im new to Zwift and its racing and what I like notice is how well I do compared to theRead more , This is not just about cheating. The bottom line is that in any competition there will always be someone who wants to cheat to win.Read more . That gives me more hope for the future of the platform than any announcement from Zwift ever could. I have wondered about this subject on a few occasions. If I am racing I want to be able to look across at the guy/girl next to me (ie on the Companion app) and get an idea if they are going to kill me on the next hill, or not are they a 185cm/90kg guy versus my 172cm/74kg. He argues hes not gaining an advantage. It all has to do with the way Zwifts racing categories work. Tour de Zwift events were races? In order to ride with him I have to drop my weight to allow me to keep up. However, I do understand Kens point. Zwift Insider is independent of Zwift corporate (, although Zwift does provide funding to help defray site costs. Skinny guys get DQd if they match heavies on the flat for power so they can NEVER win, even in the mountains. Most of my ZwiftRead more . Level 50. Think of ZwiftPower, then, as something similar to Strava, only entirely Zwift-focused, and free! Category systems are complex beasts, of course, I agree, people can have fun with weight doping and such aslong they dont enter competitive races. I think Im just heavier than my competition. I currently weigh 59kgs but my BMI is 25 which technically overweight. seeing a riders weight in ZP and any changes made to the reported weight may help internet stalkers feel better about their poor race performance but it doesnt actually help identify cheats. It this fair? Had assumed I just rode inefficiently. Take one of our four FTP tests to determine your FTP. This covers name changes as well as weight/height changes during an event. Zwift power usually looks at numbers vs the category race he entered. I may try it just to see what difference it makes. I think theres another more interesting angle than just trying to stay down a category. You'll receive a four-digit code, which you'll then have to add to your. And flags height and weight changes if they go up or down alot. I guess I shouldnt be surprised. You'll receive a four-digit code, which you'll then have to add to your last name back in your Zwift settings (you can change it back after the process is completed). The only way for complete cheat free racing is in the zwift Pro race which is all done in a single room with all riders together. Daniel has reported from the world's top races, including the Tour de France and the spring Classics, and has interviewed many of the sport's biggest stars, including Wout van Aert, Remco Evenepoel, Mark Cavendish, Demi Vollering, and Anna van der Breggen. ZwiftPower use 95% of your best 20 minutes during the whole race, so it does not matter if the race is 21 min or 3 hours, you will still be categorized the same way. (Its not the only part, of course! My guess is that another reason some do it, is because it gives you points on zwiftpower, becauseRead more . I rode outside last night, and Im sure I will again soon. I used to live next to the Alpe and later, next to the Ventoux. I know its just virtual but my godi hope they enjoy their lies. If you need to cheat to get the results you want then why even bother. My W/Kg has gone from 3.76 to 3.97 without me really improving my FTP. As far as my weight goes the only thing I care about is being as accurate as I can to get accurate results. I have no idea. It impacts the Group Rides and as you said the performance statistics individually. I have been frustrated with the GC results in the current Tour of Watopia series. You must be a much better person than me, because thats something I will Never make peace with. Terms of Use/DMCA Copyright Policy Can someone answer why we need the different categories? Someone sandbagging will get promoted out of category and will not be allowed to reg for lower categories. Yes thats completely unacceptable, you should never be at a disadvantage at any time in your life, just as your mother raised you. How doRead more . People still rode at B level pace in a C group. Or weight bonuses for completing events that last for a set amount of days or even hours. In the many B races i have done it was more fun because i was competitive. for example,Read more . This is pretty timely for me as my FTP is 283 and my weight is currently 71.2kg. Race specific phase: 3x10min 50-60rpm intervals with . Zwift excessively rewards the athlete for being light and small. The race I did had all categories racing together with a mass start, so the categories felt arbitrary as my place was not within my chosen category but across the whole field anyway. The only place where being heavy helps is on the decent, which are almost all short (except Ventoux and Alpe de Zwift), and as a heavy guy (85kgs) I need to recover on the decent. As soon as there is a single bit of flat cheerio! Im not heavy (68kg), have a typical climber/TT phenotype (no short sprint but good FTP). My 3.9w/kg (a new PR!) With racer categories? Everyone races at the same weight/height. Its more fun and engaging that way, for me at least. Email if you want to reset everything. Hi Using HRM is difficult as well as you max HRM changes with age mine is 159 flat out but I am over 60. On the other hand, I am extremely anti-weight doping and agree with the post pointing out there is no incentive or even reason to be heavier. what does help identify and stop cheats is formalizing race series and having them use an organization like Zada (whether effective now or not, this is the correct path). I am a long time racer in NorCal and cheating is cheating. I have seen riders weighting 56 kgs and week later they are 35 kgs. (I dont recommend this approach, but it proves the point that weight doping is an issue that concerns many Zwift racers. Yes, but hopefully the system would be designed so, if drop a category then begin doing well, you get upgraded again! Even at my age I still plan to compete in MTB races when the world gets back to racing. My FTP/kg is 3.88, which I now know would make me a B racer (3.2-3.9). Zwift should take accountability for what matters most to start with and thats the cheaters. Not everyone has the same HRmax. Fluctuations of a few percent would be tolerated and percent change would be displayed on ZP. There is enough variation in power profile to make it interesting without weight, what makes racing fun is trying to create tactics that favour yourRead more , Interesting & well reasoned article which answers a lot of things which were puzzling me. If there are problems, Zwift already has a reporting function and everything is recorded police that properly andRead more . I use Zwift to get in shape and prepare for outside riding. As long as people are using reasonable weight/height and arent cheating or changing it drastically all the time (my scales autoupdate my weight, so mine changes once a day, but by small increments), Im much more interested in being able to see the weight of my teammates so I can properly plan my TTT lineup than I am the weight of my competitors. yes, but you are missing my point. Our expert reviewers spend hours testing and comparing products and services so you can choose the best for you. So what! Joining ZwiftPower isn't the most straightforward series of steps, but we've broken it down so you can get started as soon as possible. If you were to meet meRead more . Zwift doesnt like this and disqualifies him on Zwift power. On one occasion I entered a flat race (Laguardia Loop) following my ZP category (class C), finished almost three minutes down (though since it was a small field I still got third place), and then was disqualified for averaging 3.6 w/kg and 206 watts. In a race not in Zwift it is very easy for people to recongize who I am. What is that!?! Light guys have the advantage on the hills, in the sprints, and because they have a higher w/kg, the flats too even if my absolute watts are significantly higher. If other people want to obsess about my weight thats up to them but I wont. Im not sure Id say the algorithms help heavier riders in descents. Then lets stop with all athletic competition! 8 months ago I was 96kg, but didntRead more , As a light (58kg) rider racing in the Bs it is very frustrating on flat routes where since the main thing that matters is raw watts and not w/kg I would have to put out well over 4 w/kg to keep up with the heavier guys and therefore I pretty much always get dropped before too long. I take issue with the weight doping is okay in none competitive events because of strava. Once I hit 185 its either sit up and catch my breath of fall of the bike. Ive lost 2.2kg over a 6 hour ride due to carb loading before, and burning that and hence losing a lot of water weight during the ride. Mate youre a legend. Zwift lets you adjust the difficulty of your workout, before or even during your ride. Obviously, these are generally accepted rules in the Zwift Community. If you are on the lighter side, try picking some climbing races. This is why for a while I was ranked as a C even though my w/kg was higher than 3.2 since my watts werent over 200. Im more concerned about the guy who finished 5th with 144bpm. I love reading it. We remain committed to protecting the health and well being of the broader Zwift Community, and we look forward to enacting additional measures in the future. I just got upgraded to CAT A according to zwiftpower. Launch Zwift and go to the Menu. Our expert reviewers spend hours testing and comparing products and services so you can choose the best for you. We are new to Zwift and My son Whos 12 has used it to race to make up for his list u12 crit season. Some races (many, in fact) on Zwift work exactly like that. Thats the graph. On the flats and descents she crushes her w/kg field. Dont worry about your weight fluctuating through the week and remember you gain 0.5kg by drinking a half-litre bidon and lose it again through sweat (and by going to the toilet). Share your thoughts below, and you may also wish to share those thoughts on the actual forum post. As a Triathlete, I have a different perspective when racing and riding on Zwift because the vast majority of Zwifters (according to Zwift and Strava) are only cycling; whereas Im also training by Running and Swimming. If you gave the power, it will come out. Do some races have split out start times so you are only racing with those of similar ability? Riders weight will rise and fall but under normal circumstances within a range. That's pretty straightforward the usual email, username, password, terms and conditions so you won't have any trouble with this step. Some Zwifters go so far as to social-stalk other riders, comparing their photos to their Zwift weight and calling them out for weight doping. The categories are the cycling equivalent to weight classes in boxing. I agree with your idea. 240W 50kg riders (4.8W/kg) beat 380W 95kg riders in B category Tempus Fugit time trials. yea but realistically is it worth it for them to dedicate the resources to that $$$$$$$, Well, thats good news. The book Fast After 50 is a good read on how masters athletes can train more effectively. Note how he wins races while his max HR is around 30 beats below his maximum. Current system means that heavy weight top of cat riders climb at the same speed as skinny guys with same wpk but can have 60% more power on the flats. I am 65 kg with FTP of 270 W, which equlas 4,15 w/kg. Its ridiculous. I agree with what you say Eric but the weight doping does negatively impact the casual rider if they are following other riders in a casual/social ride. The guy who got first weighs 106kg on strava but 45kg and only 411 on zwift. All lists are full of 190cm lads weighting 65kgs.

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how do i change my weight on zwift power