Date Provide details on what you need help with along with a budget and time limit. Access over 20 million homework documents through the notebank, Get on-demand Q&A homework help from verified tutors, Read 1000s of rich book guides covering popular titles, User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's. Continuing with the scenario introduced in the Week 2 Project, assume that your Senate-candidate client intends to make homeland security a focus of his efforts and has commissioned a report to highlight key areas of need.Prepare a report in 68 pages in Microsoft Word that covers the following points:Explain the influence of faulty intelligence sharing on the 9/11 attack. In this case, the policy should aim to Inmates are excluded from Medicaidhere's why it makes sense to change that, Mental illness protects some inmates from returning to jail, CWRU researcher finds released inmates need reentry programs to meet basic and mental health needs, Prison education programs reduce inmate prison return rate, study shows, Prison education cuts recidivism and improves employment, study finds, Studying the effects of incarceration on women and their families, On social media platforms, more sharing means less caring about accuracy, Stick to your lane: Hidden order in chaotic crowds, AI-generated arguments changed minds on controversial hot-button issues, according to study, Research finds Americans are more receptive to counter-partisan messages than previously thought, Researchers examine career confidence in underrepresented biomedical scientist trainees. Part 1: Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Attached. Of these, 94% are male, nearly 20% are African-American, and 66% are Latino., Office of Hawaiian Affairs, November, 2012, An analysis of data, controlling for age, gender, and type of charge, found that for any given determination of guilt, Native Hawaiians are much more likely to get a prison sentence than almost all other groups, except for Native Americans., Bureau of Justice Statistics, October, 2012, Suspects investigated for violent offenses in Indian country totaled 23% of all federal investigations for violent offenses in FY 2010., Most of the 34 studies reviewed here suggest that defendants' or victims' race directly or indirectly influence case outcomes, even when a host of other legal and extra-legal factors are taken into account., Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, March, 2012, AOC policy does not provide interpreters in child custody hearings; child support hearings, civil no-contact order 50C proceedings, foreclosures, and divorce proceedings, Center for Law and Justice, February, 2012, Statewide, from 2000 to 2011 the number of minorities incarcerated dropped by 29%; in Albany County, the number of minorities incarcerated increased by 60% over the same time period., Michigan State University College of Law, 2012, Over the twenty-year period we examined, prosecutors struck eligible black venire members at about 2.5 times the rate they struck eligible venire members who were not black., Given the existing racial bias in other aspects of the criminal justice system, we need to ensure that DNA databases do not unfairly and disproportionately affect communities of color., The Council of State Governments Justice Center, July, 2011, Nearly six in ten public school students studied were suspended or expelled at least once between their seventh- and twelfth-grade school years., [The] data generated by the U.S. Department of Justice project that if current trends continue, one of every three black males born today will go to prison in his lifetime, as will one of every six Latino males., For the first time, the Bureau of Indian Affairs' (BIA) submissions to the Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR) were disaggregated by tribe and reported in Crime in the U.S., 2009., University of Colorado Law Review, December, 2010, Washington Law Review Association, December, 2010, Federal death sentences are sought disproportionately where the expansion of the venire from the county to the district level has a dramatic demographic impact on the racial make-up of the jury., ([T]here is a less than one-in-ten-thousand chance that the prosecuted cases were a racially random sample drawn from the homicide group. As a result, the Board has voted to support the idea of tort reform. Were the factors that led to offending and incarceration race neutral? Time in prison heavily affects relationships, and if you want a successful reintegration, revisiting these connections is a key aspect. Office: (503) 722-3981Mobile: (503) 715-6156. The National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice: Risk of being killed by police use of force in the United States by age, race-ethnicity, and sex. By comparison only 3.5% of the population of Minnesota was African American., Justice Policy Institute and National Center on Institutions and Alternatives, August, 2001, (Covers the whole world, based in international law), there is unsettling statistical evidence indicating that cases involving killers of White victims are more likely to progress to a penalty trial than cases involving killers of African-American victims., National Center on Institutions and Alternatives, May, 2001, Bureau of Justice Statistics, March, 2001, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Leadership Conference Education Fund, 2001, Building Blocks for Youth, February, 2000, Washington State Minority and Justice Commission, December, 1999, American Civil Liberties Union, June, 1999, All the evidence to date suggests that using traffic laws for non-traffic purposes has been a disaster for people of color and has deeply eroded public confidence in law enforcement., Tracy Huling, consultant to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, April, 1999, Bureau of Justice Statistics, February, 1999, American Indians are victims of violent crime at double the rate of the general population(includes some incarceration statistics), Death Penalty Information Center, June, 1998, State of Washington Sentencing Guidelines Commission, December, 1997, Southern Center for Human Rights, June, 1996, Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, February, 1996, Committee to End the Marion Lockdown, 1995, Bureau of Justice Statistics, December, 1994, (Executive summary to longer report not available online), The recorded number of black prisoners In 1986 was nearly 9 times larger than the number recorded In 1926 (80,814 In 1986 versus 9,292 in 1926). Material on this website should not be taken as legal advice. As part of the experiment, trained detention staff led group CBT sessions twice a day for members of the treatment group. STEP 1: Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: When creating policies to facilitate inmate readjustment to society upon release, in what ways I use Studypool every time I need help studying, and it never disappoints. The South African criminal justice system sees the reh abil itation and . ), [This report] offers input regarding the nation's compliance, and need to reform current criminal justice practices and was submitted to the United Nations' Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination., A Black boy born in 2001 has a 1 in 3 chance of going to prison in his lifetime; a Latino boy a 1 in 6 chance; and a White boy a 1 in 17 chance., Rhode Island Family Life Center, October, 2007, [A]lthough it was not an explicit intention of the bill, one of the most important outcomes is that these juveniles will now have adult records, seriously limiting them as they become adults., Andrew Gelman, Jeffrey Fagan, and Alex Kiss, September, 2007, [F]or violent crimes and weapons offenses blacks and Hispanics are stopped about twice as often as whites., Bureau of Justice Statistics, August, 2007, Blacks accounted for 13% of the U.S. population in 2005, but were victims in 15% of all nonfatal violent crimes and nearly half of all homicides., American Civil Liberties Union, August, 2007, The findings show that despite efforts to transcend an unfortunate racial past, residues of this fierce discrimination evidently still linger, at least when the most morally critical decision about punishment is decided., American Civil Liberties Union, June, 2007, [M]odern Attorneys General seek the death penalty at far higher rates if the victim is White, and White federal defendants are far more likely to have their death charges reduced to life sentences through plea bargaining., Race and mental health appear to be the strongest predictors of who will waive their appeals - most, Bureau of Justice Statistics, April, 2007, In 2005 police searched 9.5 percent of stopped blacks and 8.8 percent of stopped Hispanics, compared to 3.6 percent of white motorists., The National Council on Crime and Delinquency, January, 2007, This report details the accumulated disadvantage for youth of color as they move through the juvenile justice system and, too often, into the adult system., Council on Crime and Justice, August, 2006, The major findings show that all nine police departments studied refer a disproportionate number of minority juveniles to the JDC., United Nations - Human Rights Committee, July, 2006, (The UN expresses numerous concerns about the state of civil and political rights in the United States), Those with multiple periods of incarceration were more likely to be black, single and have more dependents., Although community members also reported increases in hate victimization, they expressed greater concern about being victimized by federal policies and practices than by individual acts of harassment or violence., Southern Center for Human Rights, April, 2006, More than six months after Katrina, a majority of [indigent defendants] remain behind bars, where they have languished on average for over a year without any communication with a defense attorney., National Council on Crime and Delinquency, March, 2006, The intent of [this] report is to provide a detailed assessment of the status of Southeast Asian youth in Richmond. San Francisco Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Jails: Racial Inequalities in Connectedness to Imprisoned Individuals in the, San Francisco's Disproportionate Arrest of African American Women Persists, Investigation of the Ferguson Police Department, Reducing Harms to Boys and Young Men of Color from Criminal Justice System, The criminogenic and psychological effects of police stops on adolescent black and Latino boys, Applying a racial equity lens to fines and fees in the District of Columbia, The Cumulative Probability of Arrest by Age 28 Years in the United States by, CPD Traffic Stops and Resulting Searches in 2013, Incorporating Racial Equity into Criminal Justice Reform, Shadow Report of The Sentencing Project to the Committee on the Elimination. 4.1% Asian criminology. 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Part 1: Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: When creating policies to facilitate inmate readjustment to society upon release, in what ways should race and ethnicity issues be considered?Part 2: Imagine this scenario: As part of your participation in the summer criminal justice intern program, you have been asked to present on the demographics and disparity of offenders in the . U.S. District Court for Colombia District is the federal district court for DC

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creating policies to facilitate inmate readjustment to society upon release