The two basic techniques for using the lensatic compass . When you have a line location, you know youre on a maps recognizable line (trail, ridge line, etc. Map and compass skills are essential when navigating the great outdoors, Abrupt topography, like mountain peaks, should be easy to identify thanks to their contours on the map, Magnetic declination guidance on a standard topographical map, Having adjusted the compass housing to correspond with magnetic north, line your compass up with the map's gridlines, Red is in the shed: the compass needle is lined up with the orientating arrow, Ski towns are full: why we cant all just move to the mountains, Berghaus MTN Guide MW Hoody review: a performance mid-layer for the mountains, Rangers warn National Park graffiti could throw hikers off the trail. Get your own customized topographical maps, built according to your specifications. My 159-page, fully illustrated book is yours for the asking. Lensatic compasses aremade upof three parts: cover, base, and reading lens. Lets say youre out hiking. Lensatic compasses are seasoned or experienced navigator tools. 3. He climbs when he should be writing, writes when he should be sleeping, has fun always. You can also use this website to get up to date declinations. Youll see that it shows two arrows when you turn your headset or controllers around to show the new orientation of a map. The lensatic compass is comprised of different parts compared to a baseplate compass. Take a compass bearing on the peak to your southwest. Spatial awareness refers to having knowledge about where everything in the environment is located relative as well as understanding how objects relate with each other spatially. When you point your compass towards true north, the needle will point a bit to the west. 6. US $10.58 orient yourself to a map and follow a course over land The lensatic compass is used to set course bearings Instructions for Lensatic compass Open the lensatic compass so that the cover is at a 90 degree angle and the lens bracket is at a 30 degree angle to the case Lensatic Compass. The North-seeking arrow of the compass must fall within 3 degrees (50 mils) of the angle shown in the grid-magnetic (G-M) angle on the map's declination diagram. Its declination is recorded as 14E. Once you've got the bearing you can transfer it to the map. Move the lens holder: Slightly push forward the lens holder. 3. Step 3 Use one of two techniques to orientate the map. Remember, maps are drafted with north at the top. There is some technical difference between the two, but for all practical civilian purposes, the words are interchangeable. Thats 130 degrees. Simply look for distinguishable landmarks that are marked on the map, and turn so that both you and the map are facing this object. The number one destroyer of compasses and any enclosed items like these is moisture. That would be 130. At the summit of Saddle Mountain, take a bearing using your compass. Announcement: My online Land Navigation course includes four hours of video instruction, and two downloadable PDF books, all for about the same price as a typical paperback book. Youre in the right place! Determine your position on the map and set the compass edge over it. An "azimuth" is pretty much the same as a "bearing." a. The needle on your compass dial will always be pointing north, so when placing the compass on the map, the needle on the compass should match the map's north in order to orient yourself. Orient you compass with the bearing, and draw the bearing line. The bezel clicks as it moves--three degrees for every click. 1. When your compass cant adjust for declination, you may make your own declination arrow out of masking tape and attach it below your compass under the right declination degree hash (This will only work if your compass has a clear base). If you don't, visit the page just hyperlinked. However, imagine youre in Muir Woods in San Francisco, facing true north. Use a Compass : Basic Reading Do's and Dont's \u0026 Tips With Navigating COM-PASS Reading Placement Test - Characters COMPASS Reading Prep How to use a compass:For beginners THIS is how to use a Compass (Lensatic Compass for beginn-ers) Using A Lensatic Compass (For Dum-mies) Beginner guide to map and compass - Survival Saturday Ep. Sight: Now peek through the rear sight slot, aligning the sighting wire or the front sight to the desired direction or object. Were not using it at all during this entire process.). The cover is used to protect the compass and alsoincorporates thesighting wirewhich helps you determine direction. As a result, its declination would be 14 degrees west. 5. Use the lens to look through the sighting line to find another landmark, and repeat until you reach your destination. This involves trying to orient a map using only topographical features and your own eyesight. Orient a map using a lensatic compass On your map, though, you can see the two spots. If your map already has a line to show magnetic declination, you can take your compass and line its edges up along this. In your case, however, your declination is 004 degrees West, meaning you'll have to add 004 degrees before you set your compass. The instructions on this page might make orienting a map seem a highly technical thing. Orient your map so that its lined up with magnetic north (see above). How Should I Set My GPS and Compass? When we dont know where our point is, we have to rely on less precise kinds of orientation based on line or area position: Position of the line. What are 2 ways to orient a map? It is the bread and butter of navigation and a good habit to get into every time you set off in any given direction. Orienting the Map with an Orienteering Compass. The bezel clicks as it moves--three degrees for every click. Now were going to find out where exactly we are on that line. But lets say youre in the Muir Woods near San Francisco and youre facing true north. For instance, line up roads, mountains, water towersany terrain features that stand out enough to make orienting the map possible. One advantage is it's probably more accurate when it comes to "shooting azimuths," meaning the act of determining the specific compass direction to a spot on the earth. 2. Make an "L" shape with the index finger and thumb of your other hand. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"A: In order to orient and read a map, you have to have spatial awareness. Turn the compass and the map as a unit until the luminous magnetic arrow is directly under the fixed black line. Survival Compass, Military Compass Hiking, Orienteering Lensatic Compass, Waterproof Navigation Compasses, Survival Emergency Luminous Sighting Compass. But its important to understand the different types of navigational toolsincluding a lensatic compass. He has climbed a handful of 6000ers in the Himalayas, 4000ers in the Alps, 14ers in the US, and loves nothing more than a good long-distance wander in the wilderness. This may arise when you don't know your current position but have taken a back bearing from a visible landmark (1) you can identify on the map. Magnetic north lines up exactly when youre on this line and facing true north. There are two ways of doing this. Welcome back to the Art of ManlinessLand Navigation Manual. Hold it square and straight in front of you like you mean business. No worries. The housing lines should be parallel with the maps vertical grid lines. A lensatic compass features a small pop-out area for your thumb, and a lid on top of the main compass body. So in this installment, well go over the skills you need to do just that. In this video below,the user walks through the elements of a USGI lensatic compass, and how to properly use one. First things first. What happens if you dont adjust your compass for declination? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ethan Allan thats the peak you saw. Spatial awareness refers to having knowledge about where everything in the environment is located relative as well as understanding how objects relate with each other spatially. Its not unheard of for hikers to accidentally read their map upside down and end up facing south, rather than north. Lets go back to our Muir Woods example. Orienting your map means aligning it so that north on the map corresponds to north in the terrain and the maps topography correlates to the real-world topography in front of you. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What is a Lensatic Compass and How to Use Them? In addition to 360 degrees to measure directions in a circle, the military also uses 6,400 mils. Or maybe using the sun to help put your map somewhat the right way around. Bear in mind that an east declination value will be a positive number, and a west declination value will be a negative number. Dont worry that your red orientating arrow doesnt point exactly map north. The rear bearing is at a 50-degree angle. As we can see, the area Im in has a declination of 4E. Identify where you are on the map and place the compass edge over this location. Most lensatic compasses are designed to withstand moisture to a certain extent, but nobody makes them perfect. Lay the compass on the map, using the straight edge to create a line from your starting point to your destination. Want a free ebook on Land Navigation? When youre on this line and are facing true north, magnetic north lines up perfectly, too. To orient the map, first: Line up the edge of the compass with the edge of the map, or. If your local declination is east of the agonic line, youll need to add the declination to the bearing on your compass; if your local declination is west of the agonic line, youll subtract the declination from the bearing on your compass. If the contour interval is 10 meters, then what is the change in elevation of each intermediate contour . What if you dont have a compass that allows you to adjust for declination? Half the activity of their sport is keeping their map oriented so they can navigate faster and with more accuracy. True north is at the very top of the earth, while magnetic north is currently off the coast of Greenland. Using the rotating bezel, turn it until the direction of travel arrow lines up with the north arrow. Module 11 Plotting Position Coordinates exact positioning, used to communicate to others with a Return from Lensatic Compass to How to Use a Compass. 5. Overview. You are missing your point location.

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how to orient a map using a lensatic compass