It was eerie. [198] The trials targeted 177 defendants and obtained 142 convictions, including 25 death sentences;[199] the severity of sentencing was related to the defendant's proximity to mass murder. Known as the Jew Baiter, even in the United States, he was rabidly anti-Semitic. [212], The German churches, both Catholic and Protestant, were vociferous proponents of amnesty,[213] which had cross-party support in West Germany, which was established in 1949. Let me have that again, please. At the time, it was just a job we were told to do. Had I known just who these prisoners were at the time and what they had been accused and convicted of having done, I probably would not have had such a close relationship with them. By special arrangement with a guard or prison official, he gave his handwritten notes to be mimeographed and returned to him. Uncover the topics related to the Nuremberg trials. All sessions of the tribunal were held in Nrnberg, Germany, under the presidency of Lord Justice Geoffrey Lawrence. On 17 September, the various delegations met to discuss the indictment. [208][209] Many Germans lumped criminal trials with denazification, internment, and confrontation with the concentration camps, as illegitimate victor's justice and the imposition of collective guilt. Prestianni particularly liked Speer, Hitlers architect and the designer of many of Berlins most spectacular buildings and later minister of armament and munitions. Long live Germany.. The names were -- Wippern, Hahnefeld and myself carried out the checking. Examine the Nrnberg (Nuremberg) trials of formerleaders of Nazi Germany for war crimes, This article was most recently revised and updated by,, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Holocaust Encyclopedia - The Nuremberg Trials, Famous Trials - Nuremberg Trials (1945-49), Nuremberg Trials - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Nuremberg trials - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), Konstantin von Neurath at the Nrnberg trials, Ernst Kaltenbrunner at the Nrnberg trials. [41][42], The United States' chief prosecutor was Supreme Court justice Robert H. During our conversations, he often asked questions about the United States, a subject in which he appeared to be quite interested, Prestianni added. Proposals for how to punish the defeated Nazi leaders ranged from a show trial (the Soviet Union) to summary executions (the United Kingdom). Procurement is quick and merely requires an . I look forward to hearing from him. [230] The selectivity in trying Germans but not the Allies has garnered the most persistent criticism. [105] The American prosecutors were not any more effective when presenting documentary evidence on the conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity, and ended up reaching a "saturation point of horror" by their indiscriminate selection and disorganized presentation of evidence without tying it to specific defendants. [125], More so than other delegations, Soviet prosecutors showed the gruesome details of German mistreatment of prisoners of war and forced laborers, as well as the systematic murder of Jews in eastern Europe. He, like the others, was always bumming cigarettes or cans of Prince Albert tobacco for his pipe. Give me information about your Dad and I will help you research about your fathers deployment to Germany. In July 1945 the 98 th set up operations in a hospital in Munich, and several months later Col. Burton C. Andrus, prison commandant at the Nuremberg Palace of Justice, requested Gerecke's service. In one report i read, it mentioned that "K" Company of the 26th Inf., 1st Div. [157] Over the course of the trial, crimes against humanity and especially against Jews (who were mentioned as victims of Nazi atrocities far more than any other group) came to upstage the aggressive war charge. Prestianni does not recall Raeder maintaining even a limited friendship with the other prisoners. [85] After the American prosecution flooded the trial with untranslated evidence, the judges insisted that all of the evidence be read into the record, which slowed the trial. Whether the prisoners availed themselves of this privilege was by individual choice. My father was also a guard, but he said he always was on the outside guarding. . The material which the Library possesses on this topic can be loosely divided into the following sections: Nuremberg Trial. Staff Sgt. I would have kept my distance from them.. [88], The charter allowed the admissibility of any evidence deemed to have probative value, including depositions. She was given the nickname "Bloody Brigette" by the camp . events, and resources, Michael Prestianni: Guarding the War Criminals at Nuremberg. Only Speer occasionally tried to befriend him or penetrate his deep solitude with a few words of encouragement. A huge crowd of soldiers stands at . All eight judges participated in the deliberations, but the alternates could not cast a vote. The Nuremberg Trials After the war, the top surviving German leaders were tried for Nazi Germany's crimes, including the crimes of the Holocaust. Some were gassed. Ten of those men would be hung 16 days later. His name was David C. Porter from Pennsylvania. [224][225][226] During the two decades after the trial, opinions were predominantly negative. I never heard him speak, Prestianni remembered. Each prisoners cell was equipped with a simple, bench-like bed against one wall adjacent to the cell door, a primitive commode, a wooden table to hold the few allowed pictures and other personal items, and a chair too rickety to support the weight of a standing man. Back in 1945, his grandfather was stationed in Germany for the infamous Nuremberg trials, during which he got his hands on a pair of sunglasses allegedly worn by a high ranking Nazi. Surviving members of the company marked the 56th anniversary of its founding , which took place, according to Toronto's Tommy Tomson, on December 26, 1946. [45] At Jackson's recommendation, the United States appointed judges Francis Biddle and John Parker. 125. The first attempt to punish the perpetrators was conducted by the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in the German city of Nuremberg, beginning on November . [108][109], On 12 December, Shawcross gave the opening speech for the British. [180][172] On 16 October, ten were hanged, with Gring committing suicide the day before. [179], The exact sentences to be given each defendant were debated at length by the judges. [82], Over the summer, all of the national delegations struggled to gather evidence for the upcoming trial. Usually these are prosecution chargeslike crimes against humanityor a defense response. [153] Midway through the trial, Winston Churchill's Iron Curtain speech denouncing the Soviet threat delighted the defense. She was released after four years and eventually committed suicide in a Bavarian prison. Once the IMT established the criminality of aggressive war, war . tags: abraham , abrahamism , child-sacrifice , christianity , god , isaac , nazi . Examine some of the collection's most-accessed trial topics. These compelling first-person accounts of the Nuremberg trials were recorded by professional historians who interviewed 11 Americans participants, including prosecutors, journalists, security guards, and even the architect who designed the courtroom. Seven defendants (Hess, Funk, Raeder, Dnitz, Schirach, Speer, and Neurath) were sent to Spandau Prison to serve their sentences. After two years he was released and promptly reestablished himself in a successful career as a financial consultant for developing nations. At this time, 24 former Nazi leaders were charged with the perpetration of war crimes, and various groups (such as the Gestapo, the Nazi secret police) were charged with being criminal in character. The tribunal was given the authority to find any individual guilty of the commission of war crimes (counts 13 listed above) and to declare any group or organization to be criminal in character. Andrus, a strict disciplinarian, were constantly reminded that the prisoners should be treated with civility and objectivity at all times. Did guards favor some prisoners over others? For added security outside the prison, three American Sherman tanks, manned by MPs, were positioned at the front, side, and rear entries to the prison. These were people, Neurath reasoned, of whom Germany was cleansing the world.. [120] Ultimately, the French prosecution was unable to convince the court that Germanization was a crime against humanity, and incidents such as the German annexation of AlsaceLorraine went unmentioned in the final verdict. Others were deemed "unfit" for Nazi society: Jews, lesbians, sex workers or homeless women. You can contact me via email at He was usually confrontational and argumentative with the other prisoners. The night Gring pulled that off on October 16, 1946, now that was quite a night, he recalled. The same routine was followed for each of the condemned prisoners. After his release from prison in Nuremberg, a Stuttgart court sentenced him to eight years in a work camp. American chow was prepared for the guards and other Army personnel. Still others displayed docile and taciturn mannerisms and personalities. Each watch was of two hours duration, standing almost motionless looking in the cell door openings. [63] Jackson also rewrote the indictment with the intent of keeping the proceedings under American control by separating out an overall conspiracy charge from the other three charges. [106] Although these aspects had already been covered by the American prosecution, Soviet prosecutors introduced new evidence from Extraordinary State Commission reports and interrogations of senior enemy officers. As a good military officer I was only following orders, he steadfastly maintained with quiet military bearing. [186] These trials were held under Law No. He was the popular picture court room scene the second on the left of the door. [61], The problem of translating the indictment and evidence into the three official languages of the tribunal, as well as German, was severe due to the scale of the task and difficulty in recruiting interpreters, especially in the Soviet Union. [17] On 8 May, Germany surrendered unconditionally. The prisoners were restricted to groups of six to eight, which were strictly segregated from one another. Answer (1 of 3): Yes, he was a German lawyer named Otto Stahmer from Kiel. All war crimes prisoners ate from a single German menu. Epidemic jaundice experiments High . Alfred Rosenberg, Joachim von Ribbentrop and others were condemned on 16th October, 1946. [223], The International Military Tribunal, and the drafters of its charter, invented international criminal law essentially from nothing. The Nuremberg trials were held by the Allies against representatives of the defeated Nazi Germany, for plotting and carrying out invasions of other countries, and other crimes, in World War II. God have mercy on my soul. The guards at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials The guards at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials Accession Number 72-850 7.25x9.5 inches Black & White Printer-Friendly Version Order This Image Keywords Nuremberg Trial of Major German War Criminals, Nuremberg, Germany, 1945-1946 Soldiers HST Keywords Nurnberg Trials; Germany - Nurnberg [227] The main legal criticisms of the trial focused on questions of retroactivity, selectivity, and jurisdiction. Nuremberg was first and foremost theater to lay bare the crimes of the Nazi regime for the general public, and symbolically prosecute one leading member of the regime for a particular segment (the Army, the Navy, the SS, the Ministry of Propaganda etc). [99] According to historian Kim Christian Priemel, the conspiracy charge "invited apologetic interpretations: narratives of absolute, totalitarian dictatorship, run by society's lunatic fringe, of which the Germans had been the first victims rather than agents, collaborators, and fellow travellers". But the Nuremberg Trials showed contempt for the only-obeying-orders position, and we hold it in contempt too.". The Nuremberg trials were held by the Allies against representatives of the defeated Nazi Germany, for plotting and carrying out invasions of other countries, and other crimes, in World War II.. Schacht had been imprisoned in July 1944, under suspicion of being part of an assassination conspiracy against Hitler. They were not to be shown disrespect. Other absent and dead men including Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, Adolf Eichmann, and Bormann were also blamed. The defendants included some of the most famous Nazis, including Hermann Gring, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, and Wilhelm Keitel. After being rotated home in 1949, he reenlisted and soon found himself on Okinawa prior to deployment to Korea. In addition to this brass pot I have three skeleton keys to the cells that held the Nazi war criminals, as well as a pair of wooden spoons used by them. He died 21 months later on August 15, 1956. The duty roster for guards was revised daily in an attempt to prevent the development of unauthorized relationships with prisoners. Whenever these female prisoners, most of whom were former concentration camp guards, created a problem, we merely, as instructed, called the sergeant-of-the-guard to resolve the situation. Prestianni said of von Neurath, He looked like the movie version of a Prussian general with his mop of white hair and erect bearing. Meals were brought to the prisoners on a precise schedule each day on wheeled, double-tiered push carts by German prisoners from other sections of the prison who were being held for civil crimes. He was released in 1966. [95] None of the defendants tried to assert that the Nazis' crimes had not occurred; instead, they attempted to divert blame from their own actions. American guards ate in separate, enlisted mess halls and slept in segregated, barracks-like rooms, six to a room. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. After Ley hanged himself, this strict suicide watch was instituted, Prestianni explained. [73] Also on trial were propagandists Julius Streicher and Hans Fritzsche; Rudolf Hess, Hitler's deputy who had flown to Britain in 1941; Hans Frank, governor-general of the General Governorate of Poland; Hitler Youth leader Baldur von Schirach; Arthur Seyss-Inquart, Reich Commissioner for the Netherlands; and Ernst Kaltenbrunner, the leader of Himmler's Reich Main Security Office. The trials were not fair, though not in the way you are suggesting. When I once asked him why he had done what he was convicted of doing, he replied that he only did what the Fatherland [Germany] instructed him to do. Three of the defendants were acquitted. We were given strict orders to have no contact whatsoever with these women, no conversation, no nothing and to stay well away from them, noted Prestianni. 1 Feb 1946. 23rd September 2021 at 5:18pm. Twelve of the defendants were sentenced to death, three to life imprisonment, four to imprisonment ranging from 10 to 20 years, and three were acquitted. He was good, real sharp, Prestianni related. Gerald lives in MN. Speer was a favorite of the guards. [26], The final version of the charter only gave the court the ability to punish those crimes against humanity that had been committed "in connection with any crimes within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal". [126] Lev Smirnov presented evidence on the Lidice massacre in Czechoslovakia, adding that such destruction of villages had occurred throughout eastern Europe. An accomplished horseman, Streicher continued to wear high leather boots and riding britches during his confinement. Alfred Rosenberg was considered by Hitler the philosopher of National Socialism. Sentenced to death, Reich Law Leader 193345 and Governor-General of the, Hitler's Minister of the Interior 193343 and. Front row, from left to right: Hermann Gring, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, Walther Funk, Hjalmar Schacht. Twelve further trials were conducted by the United States against lower-level perpetrators, which focused more on the Holocaust. On October 1, 1946, the International Military Tribunal handed down its verdicts in the trials of 22 Nazi leaders - eleven were given the death penalty, three were acquitted, three were given life imprisonment and four were given imprisonment ranging from 10 to 20 years. Ambassador to the United Kingdom 193638. These women prisoners constantly did anything they could to get a guard in trouble or disciplined.. The International Military Tribunal set up by the . [1] Most of the defendants were also charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity. Other than that, Hess had no social interaction with the other prisoners. Kaltenbrunner had perpetrated extreme barbarism in the extermination of Jews through the planning and execution of the Final Solution. He was found innocent and released but sentenced in 1949 by a German court to nine years in prison. The Wiener Holocaust Library's holdings on war crime trials largely pertain to those crimes committed by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War. [232] On 11 December 1946, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously passed a resolution affirming "the principles of international law recognized by the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal and the judgment of the Tribunal". Because of his moral corruption, the other prisoners shunned him. Three of the defendants were acquitted: Hjalmar Schacht, Franz von Papen, and Hans Fritzsche. [197] The trials heard 1,300 witnesses, entered more than 30,000 documents into evidence, and generated 132,855 pages of transcripts, with the judgements themselves totaling 3,828 pages. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). To some, he was demeaned as the foreigner., I didnt like his looks at all. Nuremberg Trials On November 20, 1945, six months after the surrender of Nazi Germany to allied forces, twenty-one military, political, media, and business leaders of the Third Reich filed into the dock of the Palace of Justice in the devastated and occupied German city of Nuremberg. 1,148 Nuremberg Trials Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Images Creative Editorial Video Creative Editorial FILTERS CREATIVE EDITORIAL VIDEO 1,148 Nuremberg Trials Premium High Res Photos Browse 1,148 nuremberg trials stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. He was proud of his physique, saying he was strong like Germany.. On October 1, 1946, the verdicts on 22 of the original 24 defendants were handed down for the Nrnberg trials. What was the name of that individual? was on Court room duty. Sykes supervised guards, including the iconic. After the first trial ended in October 1946, the United States held 12 other trials at Nuremberg under the authority of the International Military Tribunal. Gifts, usually clothing, soap, tobacco, and family photos, could be given to prisoners after inspection by a guard. First, it rejected the contention that only a state, and not individuals, could be found guilty of war crimes; the tribunal held that crimes of international law are committed by men and that only by punishing individuals who commit such crimes can the provisions of international law be enforced. [100], On 21 November, Jackson gave the opening speech for the prosecution. Wells, was military policeman and a Provost Sergeant in charge of a special confinement unit whose responsibilities included providing security for the war crimes trials in Nrnberg. Does anyone know where I can read about the nuremberg trials from the guards perspective? [66][67] The prosecutors wanted to try representative leaders of German politics, economy, and military; and the Americans had a list of 70 names at the London Conference. [163] Contrary to the prosecution, the verdict dated the planning of aggression to the 1937 Hossbach Memorandum and not to the founding of the Nazi Party. [54] The Soviet judges and prosecutors were not permitted to make any major decisions without consulting a commission in Moscow led by Soviet politician Andrei Vyshinsky; the resulting delays hampered the Soviet effort to set the agenda. [142] In contrast, most defendants avoided incriminating each other. Despite this precaution, such limited, semiamicable relationships did exist. He is in several pictures standing at Hans Franks left. He served in that capacity for three months, bringing him in daily contact with 16 of the 22 accused war criminals. Later 19 other nations accepted the provisions of this agreement. They [the prisoners] were to always be considered innocent until proven guilty. [58], The charge of conspiracy was spearheaded by the United States prosecution and was less popular with the other Allies. Many of the prisoners never accepted the fact that they were no longer on top of the world. list of guards at nuremberg trialsdelpark homes sutton list of guards at nuremberg trials. I sure would like to find out more about his service. At least 30,000 women died here. Dads birthday. Joined: Oct 14, 2007 Messages: 2,804 False accusations of rape, abuse, or other misconduct by guards were commonplace.

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list of guards at nuremberg trials